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Show all | Artists | Collectors |
- Consulate General of M...
- Mabel Stanley Regalia ...
- MacDonald, Marilyn
- Maceluch, Vera
- Machesney, Shaun
- MacKay, D. Ross
- MacKay, Marion
- MacKenzie, Norman A. M...
- Mackinnon, Ian M.
- MacLaren, A. F., Mrs.
- MacMillan, H. R.
- Malaspina Printmakers
- Malkin, Reva
- Marion Scott Ltd.
- Marshall, Alice
- Martin, Clarence
- Martin, Herbert
- Martin, Peggy
- Marwood, Helen
- Mathers, Major
- Mattewson, Olive
- Maughan, Diana D.
- May, Lucia
- Maynards
- McClellan, Winnifred
- McDonald, Angus C.
- McGuire, Pat
- McLean, M. H.
- McLennan, Bill
- McQuillan, S. A., Mrs.
- McVicker, Maude
- Mead, W. R.
- Meekison, Elizabeth
- Menzies, A. M.
- Michael, Felix
- Middleton, M. E.
- Miller, Nancy
- Milliken, Donald F.
- Mills, Mrs.
- Mintz, Bud
- Mitchell, Hillyard
- Money, Noel
- Montgomery, Robert H.
- Moody, Rufus
- Moogk, Susan
- Moon, Molly
- Moore, J. H.
- Moore, Turrall Adcock
- Morris and Helen Belki...
- Morris, Val Ann
- Morrissey, Kathy
- Morsette, Danielle
- Moses, Jen
- Mountain, Harry, Chief
- Mullen, Vernon W.
- Muratorio, Blanca
- Murchie, Elizabeth
- Murrell, Jacqueline P.
- Museum at Campbell Riv...
- Museum of Anthropology...
- M Rich Designs
- Macaulay & Co. Fin...
- MacDonald, Robbi
- MacFarlane, A. D.
- Mack, Latham
- MacKay, Donald M.
- MacKenzie, Margaret
- Mackenzie, Peter
- MacLachlan Investments...
- MacLean, Hope
- Macnair, Peter
- Males, James Bruce
- Manning, Eileen
- Marks McCoy, Barbara
- Marston, John
- Martin, H. Milton
- Martin, Herbert, Mrs.
- Martin, Spruce
- Mascal, J.
- Mathisen, Arne
- Mattson, Lynn S.
- Maultsaid, Denise
- Mayer, Carol E.
- McAllister, John
- McConnell, Elspeth
- McElligott, Bill
- McKay, Nellie
- McLean, Norma
- McNeill, Gordon Jeffre...
- McRae, Samuel
- McWhirter, George
- Meade, Edward F.
- Meikle, Margaret
- Meredith, Daphne
- Michener, Katy
- Milburne, Thomas Dodd
- Milligan, Erica
- Milliken, Jane
- Milnes, Erna
- Miriam Shiell Fine Art
- Miyamoto, Mantaro
- Monte Clark Gallery
- Moodie, John D.
- Moody, Victoria
- Moogk, Willis John
- Moon, Peter
- Moore, Joan D.
- Morgan, Judith
- Morris, Colette
- Morrison, Charles
- Morrow, Boswell
- Morton, Millie
- Mosher, E. June
- Mowatt, John
- Mullet, Paddy, Mrs.
- Muratorio, Ricardo
- Murison, William
- Muse Antiques & Ar...
- Museum of Anthropology
- Museum of Anthropology...
- Ma, Daniel
- Macdonald, Doug
- MacDougall, Lynda
- MacFarlane, Sybil Anni...
- Mackay, D. C. G.
- Mackay, John C., Mrs.
- Mackenzie, Mr.
- Mackie, Patrick
- Maclachlan, Morag
- MacMillan, A. Ewen, Mr...
- Main, Hannah
- Malkin, Borys
- Maple Ridge Museum
- Marsh, Gordon
- Martin, Abaya
- Martin, Henry David
- Martin, Mungo
- Martin, W. E., Mrs.
- Mason, James E.
- Mathisen, Bertha Marga...
- Maud, Ralph
- Maultsaid, Wes
- Mayer, Ken
- McClellan, D. D.
- McCurdy, Harriet Dicki...
- McGregor, W. J.
- McKay, Victor
- McLean, Yvonne
- McQuary, Noeleen
- McTaggart, Myrna
- Mead, F. J.
- Meek, R. S.
- Mellor, Nancy
- Metzger, Steven
- Michener, Sally
- Miller, Edward
- Milligan, Jennie
- Mills, Antonia
- Minoza, Dorothy
- Misiones Franciscanas
- Modeste, Sylvestra
- Montgomery, Anne E.
- Moody, Arthur
- Moogk, Peter
- Moon, Hazel
- Moore, Charles
- Moore, John H.
- Morin, Peter
- Morris, Ron
- Morrison, Darrin
- Morrow, G., Mrs.
- Moses, James Kivetoruk
- Mountain, Alice
- Mullen, Dana
- Munro, George
- Murawsky, Kevin
- Murray, Mary Melville
- Museum Art
- Museum of Anthropology...
- Myers, F. C.