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Show all | Artists | Collectors |
- Cabrera, Roberto
- Cadwallader, Jane Hunt
- Calder, Ed
- Calland, Richard
- Cameron, Stuart Buchan...
- Campbell, Brenda Rae
- Campbell, Joe
- Campbell, Richard Bruc...
- Camsell, Mr.
- Canadian Handicrafts G...
- Cannell, Thomas
- Cargo West Antiques
- Carlick, Wayne
- Carr, Betty
- Carriere, Ed
- Carson, F. S.
- Castillo Orta, Alfonso
- Cellicion, Lorenda
- Chalke, John
- Chapman, Francis
- Chapman, Mathilda
- Charles, Andrew
- Charles, Matilda
- Charlie, Frank
- Charlie, Jim
- Charlie, Mary
- Charlie, Susan
- Chavez, Audrey
- Chavez, Margie
- Chino, Marie Z.
- Christie's (Londo...
- Cicuri Shop
- City of Vancouver
- Clappis, Annie
- Clarke Museum
- Clayton, H. H.
- Cliff, Leslie G.
- Clucas, Emilie
- Cocom Lopez, Veronica ...
- Collier, Allan
- Collison, Amos
- Collison, Nika
- Committee on Totem Pol...
- Cook, Thelma Sharp
- Cooper, Fred J.
- Cornish, Margaret E.
- Cotton, Bette
- Coulter, Colleen
- Council of Forest Indu...
- Cousins, Edward
- Cox, Christina
- Cranmer Family
- Cranmer, Doug
- Cranmer, Vivien
- Cronin, Allison
- Cross, Edith Bevan
- Crow, Jobie
- Cruickshank, Robert
- Cruz Perez, Alejandra
- Curiosity Shop
- Cuthbertson, Tina May
- Cadwallader Family
- Cadwallader, William
- Caldwaller, Dorothy
- Calpaymalt, Chief
- Campbell River & D...
- Campbell, Dale
- Campbell, Laila
- Campbell, Stephen
- Canada, Department of ...
- Canadian Native Prints...
- Canul, David
- Caridad Suarez, Addy
- Carmichael, Alf
- Carr, Emily
- Carruthers, E. Jack
- Carson, Meredith S.
- Castillou, Henry
- Cemerro Tees, Juanaco
- Chalmers, Brian
- Chapman, George Arthur...
- Chapman, Mr.
- Charles, Christine
- Charlie, Elsie
- Charlie, George, Sr.
- Charlie, Josephine
- Charlie, Simon
- Charnock, Susan
- Chavez, Gloria
- Cheney, N., Mrs.
- Chipp, Herschel B.
- Christie's (New Y...
- Cilene, A.
- Clague, Ian
- Clark, Karen
- Clavir, Miriam
- Clayton, John
- Cliff, Ronald L.
- Clutesi, George
- Code, A.
- Collinson, Louis
- Collison, Emily
- Collison, William Edwi...
- Cook, Donald
- Cooper, Amy
- Copithorne, Anne E.
- Cotsworth, M. B.
- Coughlin, Candace
- Coulter, Robert A.
- Couper, Todd
- Covered Wagon
- Cox, Elsie Dora
- Cranmer, Agnes Hunt
- Cranmer, Judy
- Creighton, Barbara
- Crosby, Thomas
- Cross, Gordon
- Crow, Pat, Chief
- Cruikshank, Julie
- Cumming, R. A.
- Curtis, Edward S.
- Cuzen, J., Mrs.
- Cadwallader, George
- Cahuich Dzul, Maria de...
- Caldwell, Evelyn
- Cameron, E. Everette, ...
- Campbell, Alan
- Campbell, Debbie
- Campbell, Larry
- Campbell, Vivian
- Canadian Cabin Crafts
- Candelaria, Anita
- Capilano, Joe, Chief
- Carlebach Galleries
- Carpenter, Richard, Ca...
- Carr, John
- Carson, F.
- Carter, Anthony
- Cellicion, Deddrick
- Chacon Ruiz, Elpidia
- Chalmers, Megan
- Chapman, Joan
- Charles H. Scott Galle...
- Charles, Mary
- Charlie, Emily
- Charlie, Harry
- Charlie, Lorraine
- Charlie, Simon
- Chartrand, Judy
- Chavez, Irene
- Cheney, Nan
- Christiansen, Linda
- Christmas, Mary
- Cimolai, Bruno
- Clair, Charley
- Clark, Paul
- Clayton, Davenport
- Clayton, Robert
- Close, Marc
- Coast Salish Arts
- Codere, Helen
- Collishaw, Neita
- Collison, Joyce
- Collison, William Henr...
- Cook, Gus
- Cooper, Catherine
- Cordova, Herman
- Cotsworth, Moses B.
- Coulter-Mackie, Marion
- Coulter, Robert B.
- Cousins, Barbara
- Cowichan Sweater
- Craig, Bob
- Cranmer, Daniel E.
- Cranmer, Kevin
- Croft, Minnie E.
- Crosby, Thomas Taylor
- Cross, John
- Crown Tools
- Crump, William, Mrs.
- Cunningham, David
- Curtius, Simon Charles
- Cwemenanlhecw