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- Ba'as
- Badakhshan
- Bagan
- Balanguru
- Baluchistan
- Banaue
- Bangladesh
- Banska Bystrica
- Baras
- Basim
- Bathurst
- Battambang
- Bautista Saavedra
- Bedfordshire
- Beipingfu
- Belem
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- Bengal
- Berlin
- Bhutan
- Bihar
- Bitolj
- Blunden Harbour
- Bohemia
- Bolivia
- Bondougou
- Borneo
- Boston
- Bougainville
- Brandon
- Bristol
- Brocket
- Broun
- Bubastis
- Bukhara
- Bulowayo
- Burns Lake
- Busan
- Baan Talad
- Baffin Island
- Bahia
- Balcarres
- Bamako
- Bangalore
- Banjarmasin
- Banten
- Barcelos
- Bastar
- Bathurst Inlet
- Batticaloa
- Bavaria
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- Bella Bella
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- Bern
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- Braga
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- Browning
- Buenos Aires
- Bulchi Village
- Burkina Faso
- Bursa
- Baas
- Baga
- Baker Lake
- Bali
- Bamfield
- Bangkok
- Bankura
- Baoding
- Barotse Floodplain
- Batangas
- Batipi
- Batuan
- Becal
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- Beja
- Belize
- Bella Coola
- Benin City
- Betanzos
- Big Trout Lake
- Bissagos Islands
- Blantyre
- Boeotia
- Boli
- Bombay
- Borba
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Bouake
- Braganca
- Brislington
- British Columbia
- Broughton Island
- Brunei
- Buka Island
- Bulgaria
- Burnaby
- Burslam