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- Cacha
- Cairns
- Calabar
- Caldas da Rainha
- Caltagirone
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Candelaria
- Capachica
- Cape Town
- Cappadocia
- Casablanca
- Catanduanes
- Cedarvale
- Central
- Chajul
- Chamula
- Chancay
- Charlestown
- Chenalho
- Chennai
- Chesterfield Inlet
- Chiapas
- Chichicastenango
- Chikugo-Shi
- Chilliwack
- Chimbote
- Chincha
- Chitral
- Chongqing
- Chulucanas
- Cirkulane
- Coban
- Cojata
- Colmonell
- Colon
- Congo
- Cook Islands
- Coral Harbour
- Cordova
- Costa Rica
- Cotopaxi
- Crete
- Crofton
- Cuenca
- Cuttack
- Cyprus
- Caesarea Maritima
- Cairo
- Calatagau
- Calgary
- Cambodia
- Campbell River
- Canar
- Cantagalli
- Cape Dorset
- Cape Verde
- Carcross
- Casas Grandes
- Catania
- Celaya
- Central & South Am...
- Chamba
- Chamusca
- Changsha
- Chavin
- Chengdu
- Cherchel
- Chhattisgarh
- Chiba
- Chihuahua
- Chile
- Chimaltenango
- Chimbu
- Chinchero
- Choco
- Chongzhou
- Chuquisaca
- Clayoquot
- Cochas
- Coldwater
- Cologne
- Colotenango
- Connecticut
- Coppermine
- Cordero Alto
- Corinth
- Cotabato
- Cowichan
- Criseby
- Cuantla
- Cultus Lake
- Cuyocuyo
- Cyzicus
- Cahuachi
- Cajamarca
- Calcutta
- California
- Cambridge Bay
- Campeche
- Canary Islands
- Canterbury
- Cape Shoalwater
- Capital District
- Carthage
- Castel Durante
- Ceara
- Central
- Central America
- Chambesi
- Chanal
- Changteh
- Chehalis
- Chengtu
- Chersonesus
- Chiang Mai
- Chicago
- Chik Wai Koon
- Chillan
- Chimborazo
- China
- Chincheros
- Choiseul
- Chordeleg
- Chuuk
- Clyde River
- Coimbra
- Colima
- Colombia
- Comox
- Constantinopolis
- Coquitlam
- Cordoba
- Cornwall
- Cote d'Ivoire
- Crescent City
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cumpich
- Cuzco
- Czech Republic