
About this object

History of use

Lutia Bidin was the mother of the donor. The Bidins immigrated to Canada in the early 1900s, and moved from Deroche, BC to Woodfibre, BC c. 1918. Rina remembered women from Squamish canoeing over to Woodfibre to trade with her mother. Her mother would trade things like knitted socks, clothing and mats that she had made, for baskets that the Squamish women had made. Each would make a pile and when both sides agreed the exchange would take place. The baskets were used during the daily life of the family.


May have been made by Sophie Frank; the diamond, triangle and star patterns are similar to hers (note from Aaron Joseph, a Squamish Language Group attendee in Nov 2022).

Physical description

Rounded cedar basket with lid. The basket is flat at the back, rounded at front and sides, and flaring from the rear corners toward the front. The sides are vertically straight. The lid (part b) was at one time attached by two hide thongs at the back, which remain. A handle (part c) was once attached to the front curve of the basket, and a long leather thong that tied the basket closed hangs from the front just under the rim. The lid has a leather receiving loop for the thong. The top of the lid and bottom of the basket are decorated with large imbricated diamonds, while the sides have several smaller imbricated diamonds.