Stove Tile

About this object

Cultural context

functional; decorative

Iconographic meaning

Design shows mercenary soldier throwing cannonballs from the top of a castle wall. Below him can be seen a cannon protruding through the wall. In the late fifteenth century, thousands of mercenaries were recruited by the Holy Roman emperor Maximilian I to help fight his numerous battles. They were known as Landsknecht (servants of the country) and were fierce fighters somewhat distinguished by their propensity for elaborate clothing. The Landsknecht depicted here is wearing an outfit featuring a puffed and slashed sleeved shirt under an armoured breastplate; he is topped with a fancy beret-style hat.

Specific techniques


Physical description

Rectangular brown earthenware stove tile with circular bottom, flared sides and square rim. On the front is a relief scene of a castle with turret, man leaning on parapet throwing cannon balls, muzzle of cannon seen on wall beneath. Back is hollow and unglazed.