haseex (Rattle)

About this object


Although this rattle was collected by Reverend Thomas Crosby on Haida Gwaii in 1908, its sculptural style and broad, heavy formlines indicate an early-1800s Ts’msyen or Gitxsan origin. The rattle continued its journey by entering into the George Heye Foundation collection, New York, before being exchanged to the American collector Morton May, then passing through several more hands until it was sold to Elspeth McConnell in 2006 through Sotheby’s New York.

Cultural context


Physical description

Shaman or healer's globular-shaped rattle features an owl on the front, its beak pronounced and its wings and legs carved in low relief; and on the reverse, another beaked creature, with legs and two-toed claws. Pins of native copper secure the handle, and sinew ties hold the rattle closed; black and red paint accents the carved imagery. (Interior likely holds pebbles, beads or lead shot.)