tsusgm hapsg̱awlgm g̱an (Spoon)

About this object


This spoon bears a strong resemblance to other utensils by the same hand in the MOA collection as well as MOV and RBCM. The simple painting with black pigment, stripes, dots, and use of red/burgundy in the mouth of the fish all conform to Elwitt’s style. Please compare to MOA objects A8557, 2999/2, 2713/21, 2713/22, 2713/23, 2713/24, 2713/25, 2713/26, MOV object AA 1851, and RBCM objects 18818, 18959, 19205, 20003, 9725, 19195.

Physical description

Small carved wooden spoon with a body of a fish as the handle; oval shaped bowl. The fish has black detailing and carved teeth. This spoon is carved in a light hardwood, and elaborated with black stripes, stipples, dots, and dashes.