Picture Frame

About this object


Dr. Sydney Friedman and his wife Dr. Constance Friedman were acquainted for many years with Haida artist, Bill Reid, whom they commissioned to make gold and silver jewellery, between the early 1950s and 1974.

Physical description

Sterling silver picture frame stand (part a) with a heavily engraved back panel (part b) and a glass front (part c) which is divided into two sides by a silver strip. The design on the panel is a sea-bear head, with large front paws below, legs/flippers below that and fins in the upper corners; also cross-hatching and parallel hatching. The stand has a round base; the glass has two old B&W photographs behind it. (The photos/emulsion are adhered to the glass.) Layers of cardboard and dark purple velvet have been adhered to the inside of the engraved panel; no visible inscription.