
About this object


Dr. Sydney Friedman and his wife Dr. Constance Friedman were acquainted for many years with Haida artist, Bill Reid, whom they commissioned to make gold and silver jewellery, between the early 1950s and 1974. According to Dr. Friedman, the gold raven bracelet was a birthday gift for Constance one year, then the raven brooch the next year, then the raven earrings the year after that.

Physical description

Gold raven bracelet; hand cut and repoussé elements on head, body and wing ovoids. The raven faces right with its body and wings wrapping all around the bracelet. The bracelet raven is essentially the same raven as the matching brooch except wrapped around the wrist, with the body lengthened, the wing feathers lengthened and the wings and feet tucked in more.The hinge is at the end of the tail feathers and the end of the raven’s right wing feathers; the clasp is a right wing ovoid. Inscription on hidden clasp: “HAIDA ART Reid. Bracelet is part of a set with brooch and earrings (2923/2-3 a-b).