Angel Figure

Physical description

Figure of a black angel with a brown wooden base (part b). The figure has a black head and hands formed out of clay. The head of the figure is hair formed from many green cone-like shapes. There are small gold-coloured beads embedded in the cone-like shapes. The figure has white eyes with brown irises; its lips are red. The head is hollow to accommodate the base. The angel does not have a neck; instead, its head is attached to a knitted t-shaped dress, from which the angel’s arms are extended outwards. The dress has wool fibres intermingled with plant fibres. There are various small objects affixed to the dress. There are four bottle caps placed across the angel’s chest and arms. The bottle cap on the furthest left has a small image printed on paper embedded within it. The image depicts an angel appearing to a group of people with a European-style cathedral in the background. The image in the bottle cap to the right depicts a young shepherd holding a staff and surrounded by sheep. Right of this bottle cap, another image in a bottle cap depicts an older shepherd with a halo. The bottle cap on the furthest right has an image in it depicting an angel in a pink dress feeding birds. Below the bottle caps, on the left side of the angel’s torso, there is a small clothes pin that is painted blue. The clip holds a rectangular piece of paper with an image of a man printed on it; he is depicted from the torso up. The man has black hair and a black mustache. The man wears a blue suit jacket, blue vest and blue tie over a white dress shirt; he also has a white pocket square. Right of the image of the man is a miniature clear plastic bottle with a blue liquid inside. The bottle is tied to the dress with purple ribbon. Next to the bottle, there is a small bronze-coloured cross attached to the dress. Right of the cross, a miniature white and blue ceramic spoon is tied to the dress with purple ribbon. Below the picture of the man, there is a miniature white and blue cup tied to the dress with purple ribbon. Right of the cup, there is another bottle cap that has an image embedded within it. The image depicts Madonna holding baby Jesus. Both figures wear elaborate crowns and are surrounded by a yellow halo. Next to the bottle cap, there is a small clothes pin painted red. On the right side of the dress, there is a gold-coloured coin with an image of a domed building on one side and an image of Jesus Christ on the other. It is tied to the dress with green ribbon. Below the cup, there is a small plastic figure of a baby tied to the dress with a green ribbon. It has brown hair, black eyes and red lips. Right of the baby, there is a bottle cap with an image printed on paper embedded within it. The image depicts Jesus Christ holding a lamb. Below this bottle cap, there is a bronze-coloured flower with a stem and two leaves. Next to the flower, in the lower right corner of the dress, there is a bottle cap with an image of Jesus Christ sitting and praying embedded in it. The angel’s wings are made of two pieces of silver metal. They are knitted into the back of the dress. The base is formed by a thin cylindrical piece of wood that is held in a square wooden base.