
Physical description

Round quill-covered basket with lid. Basket and lid are made of birch bark, with side walls cut and bent to snuggly fit the circular base/top, covered on the exterior with designs made from quills dyed blue and yellow, along with undyed white. The central design on the lid top is a 10-point star in blue with yellow centre and accents. It is surrounded by triangles of white quill inside a yellow circle, and a repeating series of gathered quill groupings around the edge, with yellow and blue stars shapes above and below the star. This is repeated in larger size along the sides of the lid, as well as the lower wall of the basket bottom (part a). Base has an undecorated, inset rim to hold the lid. quill-covered basket with lid. Basket and lid are made of birch bark, with side walls cut and bent to snuggly fit the circular base/top, covered on the exterior with designs made from quills dyed blue and yellow, along with undyed white. The central design on the lid top is a 10-point star in blue with yellow centre and accents. It is surrounded by triangles of white quill inside a yellow circle, and a repeating series of gathered quill groupings around the edge, with yellow and blue stars shapes above and below the star. This is repeated in larger size along the sides of the lid, as well as the lower wall of the basket bottom (part a). Base has an undecorated, inset rim to hold the lid.