Face Veil

About this object


Purchased by donors in a shop in Jerusalem's old city. The shop owner said he collected his items in the area around Jerusalem, or in Jordan.

Physical description

Face veil composed of a black band with colourful cross-stitch embroidery (tatreez تطريز) in geometric patterns, which is attached by a short chain on either side, and a short plaited cord down the bridge of the nose, to another similar band. The upper band is wider with ends that can be tied together. A single strand of beads extends down from the upper band, attached below three pounded gold coins. Over each eye is sewn a gold-coloured rectangular metal ornament with dangling stars and discs. Double-layered pieces of thin red fabric extend down from the lower band, and is heavily embellished with sixteen columns of pounded coins, the majority of which are silver-coloured with exception to the middle column, which is gold-coloured and extends from the top of the fabric. The coins are attached to the red fabric in a V-shape at the top, with the centre column being the exception, and running down the entire length.