Basketry Hat

About this object

History of use

Dome-shaped double woven hats, like this one, were worn as rain gear. A hat band inside the hat was used to fit the hat to the crown of the head, and to keep the sides of the hat away from the wearer's head - thereby creating an effective rain barrier.

Specific techniques

Two strand twining was the predominant method used for this hat. In two strand twining one weft (horizontal strand) passes over a warp (vertical strand) and under the next, while the a second strand passes under and then over the next warp. In this manner the wefts are always in opposition to each other. This hat is also double woven. Generally this means that an inner and outer hat were woven and attached at their rims. However, with this hat the two hats appear to have been joined together halfway down, where the hat band was woven in. The hat band was diagonally plaited.

Physical description

Cedar bark basketry hat with a wide bottom rim and a flat top. The flat top has a small square of plaiting in the centre. Inside there is a diagonally plaited hat band. The sides of the hat are woven using double strand twining and the bottom rim has the same finishing edge as the rim at the top. The hat is orange-brown in colour.