
About this object

Cultural context

Contemporary art.

Iconographic meaning

Vishwa-Karma ('Worker of the Universe).

Physical description

Poster depicting the head of a deity with dark grey skin and a snake wrapped around its neck. The deity is wearing beads around his neck and the sacred Hindu word, "Aum," is on his neck in blue as well as three green leaves. To the right of the head is a trident with the Hindi script for "Aum" on it and a drum attached. The figure is wearing large hoop earrings. There is a third eye on the forehead of the figure with three horizontal white lines. A female figure appears to come out of the hair, which is piled on the top of his head, pouring liquid from a vessel onto a black cylindrical Lingum set in a circular base. This object also has the word, "Aum," written in Hindi on it. The background is a vibrant pink changing to orange around the figure's head.