The Donors

About this object


The retablo depicts Blanca and Ricardo Muratorio and their beloved pet dog, surrounded by books. The miniature retablos were found by Blanca in an antique shop in Buenos Aires. One of the tiny books is a brief biography of Ricardo.

Physical description

Contemporary retablo with ceramic figures, miniature retablos and paper books. The wooden box itself (part a) has a structured hole at centre front, taking the form of a stage. The wood is painted black and several images are adhered to it, such as a typewriter, human and animal figures, flowers, and Albert Einstein surrounded by pigeons. Ceramic figures of the donor and her husband (parts b and c), their dog (part d), and a small stool (part e) are placed in the retablo, as well as a small woven basket (part f) containing a crumpled sheet of paper (part y). There are three miniature retablos (parts g-i) of glass and wood, one of which is held by the woman, and many miniature books (parts j-x). Six of the books are filled with blank paper, while the other nine have titles and writing inside.