
Physical description

Painted ceramic figure of a multi-level sail boat with people on it, depicting Noah’s Ark. The hull of the boat is supported by six legs. The interior of the hull is hollow and there are three windows on each side; the centre window is a larger square, the outer two are thin rectangles. The interior is painted green. The exterior of the hull is orange with green, black and white detailing. The main deck of the boat is pink. On either end of the deck there are large, spherical masts which are painted white, red and green. There is a hole in each mast near the centre bottom on the right side of the boat. At the top of each mast, there is a piece of wood painted in the colours of the flag attached to the mast with wire. In the centre of the main deck is a cabin with two walls, one on each side of the boat. The cabin is open to the front and back. One of the walls, on the left side of the boat, has an arched doorway in the centre and four port holes around it. The other wall also has an arched doorway. The interior of the walls are painted pink and the exterior is painted blue with green, black and white detailing. A person is standing In the doorway of the left wall. This person has pink skin, brown hair, a red shirt and green pants and is affixed to the boat with a piece of wire, visible at its feet and through the roof of the hollow hull. There is a similar figure in the doorway on the right side of the boat wearing a brown shirt. In the interior of the cabins are red shirted figures. Towards the front of the boat on the right side is a figure dressed in white inside the cabin. The final figure on the main deck stands outside of the cabin at the back of the boat, wearing a red shirt and green pants. The top deck of the boat, which also serves as the roof of the cabin, is painted yellow with black, green and white designs. In the centre of the top deck, there is an orange rectangular structure with rounded edges and black detailing. This structure supports a curvilinear line which is attached to a mast at each end. On the left side of the top deck there is one figure each with an orange shirt and green pants standing at the bow and stern of the ship. On the right side of the top deck, the person at the bow of the ship is sitting. This person wears a red shirt and green pants. At the stern of the boat, there is a standing person wearing the same outfit.