Stove Tile

About this object

Cultural context

functional; decorative

Iconographic meaning

The central medallion depicts the figure of Saint John the Evangelist, who is credited with writing the Gospel of Saint John (the fourth book of the New Testament), which he is shown holding. He is also usually depicted with his emblem, an eagle, who was reputed to gaze straight into the light of the sun and transport men into the heart of divinity, a symbolic gesture to the heights he reaches in the first chapter of his Gospel. The eagle also represents Christ’s Ascension. From the workshop of Meister Ruprecht Strobl.

Specific techniques


Physical description

Square green earthenware stove tile with deep relief scene showing a man with a book on his knee, winged bird behind, encircled by frame and four winged angel heads at the corners. Green outer frame. Unglazed sides and back.