pantalones (Pants)

About this object

History of use

Worn by men

Specific techniques

Woven by a woman on a back strap loom. Brocaded design is single-faced discontinuous supplementary weft.
Pants woven in warp-faced plain weave with warp stripes (red pinstripes). Two-faced supplementary weft patterning (pattern is reversed on the back face of the cloth) on lower portion of pant legs. Warp is pair of singles; weft is three singles. Supplementary weft is four 2-ply over 2 to 7 warps. Pants assembled with hand-stitching with hand-stitched hems. 2 ply rope with Z twist for drawstring.

Physical description

Pants made of off-white fabric with vertical red pinstripes, a square piece of material sewn in at the crotch, and a drawstring at the top. A multicoloured diamond design is brocaded at the cuffs.