
About this object


This record is part of a larger collection of objects honouring Maggie Pointe, sister of Shane Pointe and Gina Grant. On February 1, 2003, it was used for a memorial potlatch at Musqueam to honour the life of Maggie Pointe and was then given away, as is the custom, to the UBC Museum of Anthropology. On March 18, 2003 it was featured in the exhibit "To Wash Away the Tears," a collaboration between Shane, Gina, MOA and the students of the Critical Curatorial Studies MA program.

Cultural context

mortuary; music; popular culture

Physical description

A vinyl record (part a) with a cardboard cover (part b), an inner paper record sleeve (part c), and an outer clear plastic sleeve (part d) that fits over the cardboard cover. The record is titled ‘Inspirations’ by Elvis Presley. The record (part a) is black vinyl with a brown, white and orange label. The record cover (part b) shows the head of Elvis framed by a white border on light brown ground. The inner sleeve (part c) is plain white paper.