
About this object

History of use

Blue and white embroideries are part of a long domestic tradition. Designs vary geographically but are constant within generations of families except for minor individual variations. Often used to decorate the bed which traditionally played a focal part in household ritual particularly at the new year when all household spirits were honored. They are family made, by women, and family owned. These embroideries were of no local commercial value.

Cultural context


Iconographic meaning

Dragon is the symbol of eternity representing spring, rain and rebirth. The dragon gate represents achievement and indicates triumphant procession of important official.

Physical description

Two plain white cloths joined horizontally, with blue-black embroidered designs. Bottom border has phoenixes and fruit; the next up has flowers and mountains. The bottom scene shows Pagoda at center with being and deer on either side. Other design features show butterflies, flowers, trees, cats, birds and fish. Center border shows two rows of same flower and leaves. Top scene shows two dragons flanking a center symbol. On either side, in mirror image, are a ship with dragon prow on a pedastal over top of stylized waves, crab, fish, and two flowering trees on either side. In the ship are three figures holding decorative standards. Next to ship is flowering vine with phoenixes. Both ends hemmed, selvedges top and bottom.