kuchuri (Shoulder Bag)

About this object

History of use

Women make the bags but they are worn by men; more than one bag can be worn at a time and they are used to carry personal possessions; sometimes a bag can be worn below the waistband; bags are now part of the tourist market.


The Wixáritari are known to the larger world as the Huichol, however that is not the name they use to refer to themselves.

Cultural context

contemporary; tourist art; ritual

Physical description

Flat square folded bag with cross stitched red and blue diagonal zigzag design; yellow cross knit loop stitch border on top and sides. There are green, orange and red pompoms attached to the lower corner on the left by red and black twisted yarn; green and orange pompom attached with red twisted yarn to lower corner on right. The woven strap is braided at apex; it has two equidistant black bands orange-pink ground, each end sewn with pink yarn to upper corners of bag.