Physical description
Whale bone carving of a hunter carrying an unstrung cable-backed bow and bucket, attached to an irregularly-shaped base (part a); figure is standing along front edge of base. Small stone structure (part b), made up of rocks stacked on top of one another, on opposite end of base; attached with two pegs. Figure has intricately carved facial features, consisting of oval-shaped eyes, wide nose, and frowning mouth. Figure has a large skin pack strapped across back; sinew straps wrap around hunter's chest. Pack has long rods sticking out of either end; tufts of white fur around where the rods protrude. Small back quiver slung over hunter's right shoulder; self-nocked arrow shafts (parts c-k) fill quiver. Bucket hunter is holding in left hand is filled with dark red and orange stones. Figure is unsigned.
Date Made
Before 2013
Date Acquired
29 Sep 2022
How Acquired
Credit Line
Overall: 30.6 cm x 24.3 cm x 37.2 cm
Object Number
3594/1 a-k