House Frontal Totem Pole
About this object
History of use
The beams and figures stood as part of a house frame, and acted as structural supports. Figures represented on house frames were supernatural beings which the family living in the house had the right, through their history and origins, to represent.
Apparently carved in 1900 for the dowry of Mrs. Spruce Martin. Barbeau notes from 1947 say the house "is that of the Sea-Lion, now belonging to Spruce Martin and the family of his wife (a Nawittka of Hope Island), the Unixir family. Built over 50 years ago...carved by Xixaniyat, a Knight Inlet Indian."
Cultural context
Physical description
House frontal pole with arched doorway from a Kwagu'l house frame. See records A50039 b-c, d-e and f-g for the rest of the house frame.
Date Made
C. 1900
Date Acquired
How Acquired
Object Number
A50039 a