Wall Calendar

Physical description

A long, vertically rectangular calendar that has six silver double-sided pages, and a cover page, with each page containing two months, one on each side on the lower portion and a black and white image of a person doing an activity on the upper portion. Calendar is in the year 1980 in English in black. From January to December, the people represented, each with a descriptive caption, are the following: Diabir Ibn Hayyan (chemist), Al Khawarizmi (mathematics and astronomy), Thabit Ben Kurra (science of calculus), Al Batani (astrologer), Abbas Bin Firnas (scientist), Avecenne (Ibn Sina) (psychology and law), Ibnal Haytham (optics and light), Al Beyruni (geography, history, astronomy, mathematics), Al Idrisi (geopraphy), Ibn Rushd (philosopher), Ibn Al Bitar (biology and medicine), and Ibn Khaldun (Historical Determinism). In black, in English, there reads on the cover page 'Migration of messenger Allah, peace be on Him. Beginning of the Hijrah Calendar. / YEAR 1400 HIJRAH CALENDAR 1980' with a logo for 'SAUDI ARABIAN AIRLINES'. There is a black metal coil around the top edge through which a metal rod runs across.