Wall Calendar

Physical description

A long, vertically rectangular calendar that has a horizontally rectangular, white section for the calendar in the year 1993 with twelve months in grey across in English, week days down in white with Sundays in blue, and numerical dates in black on the lower portion and an image on the upper portion. The main part of the calendar has the image of a sitting female elephant figure, deity Ganesh, with breasts and four hands holding two s-shaped objects, a gourd ? which is also being touched by its trunk, and an open palm with red henna ? painted markings. The figure is wearing a gold headdress, a yellow lower garment, and pearls. In front of the figure, there is a mouse or a rat. The figure is enveloped in swirling clouds. In pink, below, there reads 'KAPOOR JEWELLWERS' along with their advertisement. There is a metal support folded over the top and bottom edges and a flat braided light blue fibre loop attached at the top back centre.