Wall Calendar

Physical description

A long, vertically rectangular calendar that has two horizontal rows of six months side-by-side on the lower portion and an image on the upper portion. Calendar is in the year 1993 in English in blue with Sundays in red. The main part of the calendar has the image of the pale blue-skinned deity, Krishna, as a child. His right hand is reaching into a pot of butter while his left hand is in his mouth. His right knee is bent upward while his left leg is sitting cross-legged over his right foot. He is wearing pearls in his hair with a peacock feather at the top. He is wearing earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and a pink scarf. He is surrounded by drapery, pottery, and a flute. In blue, above and below, there reads 'Finolex'. There is a metal support folded over the top and bottom edges and a flat braided red fibre loop attached at the top back centre.