Tigua Painting

Physical description

Tigua painting made of a piece of skin stretched and nailed to the back of a wooden frame. On the left side of the painting, there is a man with long hair and beard wearing a yellow-white robe kneeling and looking up towards the centre of the painting, his hands clasped in prayer. Behind the man, in the background, the sky is dark blue and there is a tall green plant with pink and orange flowers. Christ is in the centre of the painting, raised above the other figures on a grey podium. The podium is outlined in green and has a pink cross at its top. Christ is naked except for a ragged purple cloth around his waist. His arms are extended outwards in a t-shape. He has long hair and a long beard. Underneath his extended hands, there are tri-partite drops of pink blood which flow into orange vases below. Jesus is housed within an orange walled structure with a yellow thatched roof. To the right, a woman sits in a brown chair, wearing a blue dress with red at the neckline, pink at the wrists and hem and a purple fringe around the waist and hem. Behind the woman’s head, in the background, is a tall green plant with pink and orange flowers. The artist name is written in yellow-white paint on the bottom interior edge of the frame. The front of the frame is decoratively painted with a blue background topped by a yellow-white scalloped border with a thin purple line. The interior of the frame is painted solid purple.