
About this object

Cultural context

Contemporary art.

Iconographic meaning

Nav-Grah (Nine planetary bodies).

Physical description

Poster depicting nine four-armed figures representing the planets against a blue background in three rows of three. Top row: first figure stands in front of a lion holding a spear and a club with a white arrow symbol below the lion's head (Budh); the centre figure stands inside a white star symbol in front of a horse holding papers, a pot, and a whip (Sukrh); the last figure is seated in a pink lotus blossom in a gold carriage pulled by two animals and holds a pot, a lotus, and a mace with a white square symbol below the carriage (Chandra). Middle row: the first figure stands in front of an elephant and holds a discus, a conch shell, and a flower with a white rectangle symbol beside his feet (Guru); centre figure holds the reins of seven horses, a disc, and a lotus (Surya); the last figure stands in front of a goat-like animal and holds a mace and a lotus with a white triangle symbol beside his feet (Mangal). Bottom row: the first figure is emerging from the mouth of a fish and holds a sword, a shield, and a red flag with another red flag at his side (Kethu); the centre figure stands in front of a black bird and is holding a trident and a spear (Sanee); the last figure is standing in front of a tiger and is holding a mace, a lotus, and an arrow with a wedge-shaped container at his feet (Rahu).