
About this object

History of use

Used by women to weave cloth.

Cultural context

weaving; textiles

Specific techniques

Back strap looms are horizontal looms found around the world. They can accommodate textiles up to about 40 cm wide; many are smaller widths. The length of the cloth is determined by the length of the warp threads.

Physical description

Backstrap loom with wood and bamboo bars, and rattan backstrap, (parts a-h) held together with knotted string. In order that the pieces occur. Part h is a plaited backstrap with a braided border and that narrows to wrapped handles on both sides. Part g is a flat hardwood sword with rounded ends that are slightly tapering, use-wear shows numerous slight indentations along both edges from the centre, and gives a serrated appearance. Part f is a cylindrical, dark brown hardwood stick. Part d is a hollow, brown bamboo warp beam. Part a is a cylindrical, dark brown hardwood stick with a narrower 2 cm. wide section before each knobbed end. Part b is a wide notched ended hardwood stick with one concave and one flat surface. Part e is like f but of a lighter brown. Part c is like b. String, one side black, other faded to purple-brown tied together, knotted at each element.