
About this object

History of use

Indian popular religious prints have been published for nearly a century, first by German presses, later by Indian ones. The prints may take the form of calendars, posters, or simply images. The style of the representations is European. In the beginning they were Hindu images, but are now acquiring elements both of folk art and a romantic secularism. It is a living art currently influenced by the movie industry and non-Hindu religions. The images are a vehicle for advertising and are also used for religious purposes. This print was produced, framed, and displayed in a prayer room for 'puja' or worship.

Cultural context

popular religious art

Physical description

Rectangular shaped print of grey blue-skinned, four-armed Vishnu standing on red cloth alter with offerings and surrounded by six worshippers, two seated on either side in front, one dressed in green coat. Four males wear white dhotis. One standing on right holds long, tubular, red-stringed instrument with peacock head ends, over his shoulder. In his left hand is a box inset with small cymbals. Female in front of worshippers on left wears a pink sari. Setting is green foliage landscape; large-leafed plant, one in each upper corner. Vishnu wears: orange floor-length dhoti, floral garlands and necklaces around neck, and a gold crown. He holds in each hand one object: mace, yellow disc, conch and flower. 'S.S. Brijbasi & Sons' plus address printed at base.