
About this object

History of use

Basketry filled a vital need as containers for storage, domestic use and transportation of goods. Some had multiple uses; others were made for specific functions. After European contact, used for trade and sale items. Forms have been altered to meet European tastes. Basketry making was and is a women's art.

Cultural context

domestic storage; cooking; transport; trade

Specific techniques

Diagonal plaiting; overlay plaiting; mud dyed(?); row of diagonal 2/1 twill plaiting where base becomes sides and 4 cm. and 6 cm. from base; one half of weaving elements truncated and alternate elements bent at ninety degree angle and woven into fabric to finish mouth.

Physical description

Cylindrical basket with a square base and a round mouth. Single strips of darker material run diagonally from each corner, intersecting twice on each side. Variation in weave creates a row of wider stitches at the base, 4 cm. and 6 cm. from the base. Rim edge is cut and folded.