wasa wantana (Hair Tie)

About this object

History of use

Hair ties are worn by highland women of Peru and Bolivia as adornments but are also useful for keeping their long braids joined together on their back and out of their way while doing other tasks. In the Cuzco area, they are called “wasa watana” (Quechua), which means a narrow woven band with other bands woven through it. The distinctive feature of woven wasa watana is the addition of intersecting warp bands near both ends, which are also woven. The intersecting bands produce tassel-like endings with fringes. The most common design woven into the narrow bands is nested diamonds; other patterns based on triangles or zigzags are also used. The main band bridges woman’s hair braids and sections of it are included in the braids, with the tassels extending from the ends of their braids. Types vary in Peru and Bolivia and several different techniques (weaving, braiding, wrapping, felting, embroidery) are used to make them.


Bought by the donor between 1982 and 1984 in the Cuzco area; made and worn in the highlands above the Sacred Valley (Urubamba Valley).

Physical description

Wasa watana (hair tie) woven in a complementary warp weave. Tassels formed by groups of intersecting warps that are woven as separate bands but are then folded and sewn to the main band near the ends. Tassels sewn onto the main band. Edging of small white beads on the edges of the main band and the tassels; the beads were threaded on the weft before weaving. Warp fringes. Alpaca fibre, finely spun, with wool.