selendang (Scarf)
About this object
History of use
Selendangs are worn as shawls or scarves, or other similar uses.
Purchased by the donor in the Kelimutu area, on Flores Island, in September 1989.
Specific techniques
Handwoven ikat textile; fibres dyed using local vegetable dyes.
Physical description
Dark red scarf (selendang) with fringe on ends. Top and bottom edges of scarf have a dark maroon border, with light orange dashes throughout. Repeating pattern of pointed ovals, filled with floral and linear motifs, through centre of scarf. Ovals are connected by dots. Negative space, between ovals and border, filled with identical floral and linear designs. Border on both ends, consisting of three vertical bands. Outer and inner bands have a dot motif; centre band has a repeating triangle motif. All designs are done in red-brown and dark orange. Fringe on ends are tied into bundles with plant fibre; six bundles on left edge, five on right.
Date Acquired
8 Jul 2021
How Acquired
Overall: 16.8 cm x 209.5 cm
Object Number