nomoli (Figure)

About this object

History of use

Possibly used as a charm or oracle figure.


The donor taught in a rural school in Tobli, eastern Liberia, from 1965 to 1967.

Physical description

Humanoid face made of packed clay and pigment. Face has a large forehead, with a triangle-shaped piece of red-pink glass embedded in its centre, that tapers into a narrow face; chin is squat. Cowrie shell eyes frame a hooked nose that has a braid of plant fibre attached to its base, imitating a moustache. Mouth is open and has a protruding bottom lip. Two deep channels are moulded onto the top of the head, creating three high ridges across the surface. Both channels have strands of plant fibre in them, secured with wooden pegs; similar strand is attached to the top of the centre ridge. Plant fibre braids are nailed along the edges of the face. All plant fibre imitates hair. Back of carving and base are undecorated.