
About this object

History of use

Indian popular religious prints have been published for nearly a century, first by German presses, later by Indian ones. The prints may take the form of calendars, posters, or simply images. The style of the representations is European. In the beginning they were Hindu images, but are now acquiring elements both of folk art and a romantic secularism. It is a living art currently influenced by the movie industry and non-Hindu religions. The images are a vehicle for advertising and are also used for religious purposes.

Cultural context

calendar art; popular religious art

Iconographic meaning

Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, creativity, and wealth, is the giver of good luck and good fortune. Often pictured with Vishnu as his principle consort, and in threesome with elephant-headed Ganesh, remover of obstacles, and vina-playing Saraswati, goddess of learning and the arts. Lakshmi is also identified by: a large blooming lotus flower from which she rises, gold coins flowing from hands, white elephant as symbol of life-giving force, and conch shell. Elaborate costume, water, and other symbols represent abundance, fertility, and the wealth of the universe.

Physical description

Rectangular shaped calendar print depicting Lakshmi, a four-armed female standing on large pink lotus on an ocean of blue water. Female has long black wavy hair. She wears gold patterned red sari bordered in green and gold. She is adorned with jewels and pearls; gold crown, waist belt, necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Other necklaces of blue and red beads. Red dot in centre of forehead. Three of four hands holds an object: gold mace propped-up on a flower in lower arm on right; white conch shell with gold top in raised hand on right; gold disk with star motif in raised hand on left. Fourth hand is held with fingers pointing up and palm outward facing. Halo of yellow rays behind head. Background has overcast sky with purple and blue clouds; clear sky behind halo. "M.N. Rajan Cycle Mart" in red and yellow; address in green and white at calendar's top. Artist's signature and black Indian script at base.