ts’uu k’al skaayxan (Basket)

About this object

History of use

Basketry filled a vital need as containers for storage, domestic use and transportation of goods. Some had multiple uses; others were made for specific functions. After European contact, used for trade and sale items. Forms have been altered to meet European tastes. Basketry making was and is a women's art.

Cultural context

domestic storage; cooking; transport

Specific techniques

Base constructed of two ply plain twining z-twist, with rows of twining widely spaced along paired warps. Rim finished with a row of three ply twining z-twist. Walls constructed with crossed warps with plaiting and wrapping.

Physical description

Small, round, open work basket. Base has paired warps radiating from central point. Walls have diagonal pattern in weave. Walls decorated at mid-point with two rows of alternating light red-brown and natural stitches. Rim has warps cut off and secured by row of raised stitching.