
About this object


Stickers affixed to the stem say the pipe once 'belonged to Chief Whitecap of the Sioux reserve near Dundurn'. Chief Wapahaska, also known as Chief Whitecap, was one of the Dakota chiefs who led his people north, c. 1880, to Canada. They eventually settled along the South Saskatchewan River, where in 1881 they received a reserve; now named the Whitecap Dakota First Nation.

Physical description

Two-piece pipe with a long stem and T-shaped bowl. The bowl is carved from red stone, with a long, black, wooden stem and mouthpiece. The stem features two short rows of metal tacks at both ends, along either side of a groove carved up the centre. There is also what appears to be a four petal design carved at the centre of the groove. Two white stickers are affixed to the back of the stem.