
About this object

Cultural context

Contemporary art.

Physical description

Poster depicting a man riding a red and gold chariot driven by seven white horses with a yellow sun or halo behind him. The man is seated on a pink lotus flower and has four arms. He is holding a chakra, a conch, and a mace in three of his hands, and the fourth is raised, palm outwards. On the right-hand side is an arc of eight circles with Hindi script beside them. From the top they depict: a figure with four arms and two horses; a figure with four arms and one horse; a figure with four arms, a lion, and a bow and arrow; a figure with a tiger and a mace; a figure holding a trident and an arrow with the bow just outside the edge of the circle; a figure seated in front of an elephant; a seated figure in front of a white horse; and a seated figure holding a sword and a shield with a large fish behind.