
About this object

Cultural context

Contemporary art.

Physical description

Poster depicting the goddess Laxmi, Sai Baba, and God Ganapati seated in front of a black and blue background. The central figure, Sai Baba, is a man with a white bead, white headdress, and a blue-grey robe. He has an aum symbol on his right uplifted palm, and a halo of red and yellow behind his head. On his left is the god Ganesh, who has an elephant's nose, a swastika on his palm, a trident on his forehead, and four arms. He holds a bowl of rice balls and is wearing yellow and blue robes, a crown, and necklaces and bracelets. He is seated on a pink lotus. To the right of the central figure is a female figure, Laxmi (Lakshmi), who is sitting on a pink lotus and wears yellow robes and jewelry. She has four arms, two of which each hold a lotus. Across the bottom of the poster are lotus leaves, a vessel, food offerings, and a small rodent. Hindi writing above Ganesh and Laxmi inside two purple and green flower-like medallions.