
About this object

History of use

The kyogen is classical Japanese comedy, a form at least 600 years old, deriving, as did no, form the Sangaku form of popular entertainment. A kyogen drama is often performed between 2 no plays. The humour in kyogen drama derives from the discrepancy between appearance and reality.

Iconographic meaning

This figure represents the thunder god character or a mushroom demon wearing a Buaku mask in the kyogen drama.

Physical description

Human figure of bronze ? with dark brown and red/brown finish; with turban, belt, and eyes of inlaid brass. Over-robe has design of flowers and cranes, raised in fine detail. Figure seated on ground with right leg under him, left leg bent with toes turned up. Right arm at his side; left arm raised. Eyes are round and bulging; mouth turned down at corners; face deeply lined. White lozenge design on base, finish gone from base. Base is blistered; thin sheet of metal over solid core.